We value your satisfaction and strive to provide exceptional hair services at Carti Hair & Co.

If you are not satisfied with the service you receive, please let the Stylist / Manager know within 24 hours of the service. A complimentary redo of the service will be offered which will need to be used within 7 days.

We do NOT ISSUE refunds on salon services. Unlike products, services cannot be returned.

Service charges include the service performed, including time used to perform the service as well as the facilities and products.

Due to the uniqueness of every client, the complexity of the hair and scalp, there are no guarantees in results. If you are not confident in the recommendations being made during the consultation process, and only you can decide this, please DO NOT proceed with the service or future services offered.

Thank you for choosing Carti Hair & Co, we appreciate your understanding and look forward to the opportunity to make your experience with us a positive one.